

Let Love Compel You

Published March 30th, 2018 by Ccwestside

Reading through my devotions one morning, this line in my bible appeared as if it was written in bold and seemed much larger than the rest of the words on the page.

“For the love of Christ compels us…”

It caught my attention and brought me to my knees. I felt lately that my life hasn’t been the best example of Christ's love and my actions surely haven’t been motivated by love. 

The love of Christ is patient and gracious in every circumstance. It is gentle and kind. It is given freely without demanding anything in return. The love of Christ keeps us forever in His arms. It gives us purpose in this life, a purpose to show His love to the world. 

This love comes from a decision to set our affection upon Him and from that, Christ’s love flows out of our lives. When we are compelled by His love, He gives us the ability to love those that we don’t want to. He supplies us patience for those that constantly ware us thin. He gives us the freedom to forgive those that have wronged us and to love them in return. Our motivation for God’s people needs to be supplied by His never ending love.

Be compelled today by the love of Christ and you won’t find yourself striving in your service to Him. Rest in His love, let it fill your life and spill out on the lives around you.

"For Christ’s love compels us” 2 Corinthians 5:14

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Sunday Mornings

8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 AM

(Childcare Provided)

Wednesday Midweek Bible Study

7:00 PM

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